Author: Josh Honeycutt

I’ve been an outdoor communicator since 2010. Since then, I’ve been blessed with a full-time career in the outdoors, and I’ve worked for most of the major hunting magazines and websites, including Field & Stream and Outdoor Life. As a deer and turkey hunter, these are the topics I cover most, but I also dabble in other areas, too, including conservation, predator hunting, small game hunting, and more.
A complete conversation on how getting your head right is crucial in both the archery and bowhunting disciplines. I’ve screwed up more archery shots and bowhunting opportunities than I care to admit. While I’ve bagged plenty of deer, it’s largely due to persistence than consistent execution. Of course, as I’ve aged, I’ve learned how to perform better in both the archery and bowhunting departments. But early on, my batting average was depressingly poor. And it’s in large part due to misunderstanding the mental aspects of archery and bowhunting. The Challenging Nature of Archery Archery itself is a challenge. It isn’t…
Use this game plan to make your food plots the best they can be. Food plots are major benefits to deer and deer hunters. But doing food plots for the sake of food plots isn’t a good idea. It’s important to optimize food plots for bowhunting. That involves making a deer feel safe, decreasing travel distance between bedding and food sources, and more. Here are the things you should know. Think About What the Land Already Offers It’s important to know what the land already offers to the local deer herd. Study what food sources are already available. Determine what…
The new year is here, and so is the latest crop of compound hunting bows. Some are flagship models, and others are budget bows. But all are incredibly impressive. Each hunter is sure to find the stick slinger for them in this compilation of offerings. I took to the ATA show and shot the newest bows for 2024 – here are my 12 favorite. Best Compound Bow of 2024 & Fastest Compound Bow of 2024: Mathews Lift Series Best Beginner Bow for 2024: Elite Ethos Best Draw: Bowtech Core SS & Bowtech Carbon One X Most Accurate: Prime RVX Series…
Photo credits: Honeycutt Creative LLC From novice to expert-level info, check out these tips that are sure to help bowhunters improve at their craft. Bowhunting isn’t easy. As with any skill, it takes time to learn and develop this craft. Fortunately, there are certain tips and tricks that bowhunter new and old can implement to hone their abilities and improve success. Here are 25 of those bowhunting tips that whitetail hunters need. 1. Take a hunter’s education course. Start by taking a hunter’s education course. This is required by states, and even educates prospective hunters on key safety, tactical, and…
Understanding the mental aspect of archery and bowhunting, with advice from the experts Archery and bowhunting are two very difficult activities. Both these involve challenging elements that take a lifetime to master, if even then. Therefore, recognizing the mental aspect of archery and bowhunting is an important step in enjoying and perfecting these crafts. 1. Use the Right Rig Archery is largely mental, and being confident in your archery setup is crucial. So, start with the right equipment purchases. Ask key questions, including: Where should I go to buy a bow? What is the right brace height for me? What…
Entertain yourself with these archery hunts that deserve a serious checking out! The modern content market is dominated by video. For the entertainment value, we’re diving into some of the craziest hunting videos available on YouTube. It’s a great destination for finding rare-gem films like the ones listed here. Check out these crazy hunting videos by clicking on the headlines for each of the 20 listed below. Bowhunter Has Best Harvest Reaction Ever cranks out a lot of archery-focused videos. In this hunt compilation, viewers see several great hunts. But one of these is extra special. In it, late…
A fresh look at The Hunting Beast’s lightweight treestand setup One of the latest shifts in the hunting industry is toward ultra-lightweight treestand and hunting saddle kits. Some companies, like Tethrd, are supplying the need for lightweight saddle gear. But Beast Gear, courtesy of Dan Infalt’s The Hunting Beast, is charging ahead on the lightweight treestand front. Beast Gear Hang-On Treestand I’ve had the Beast Gear Hang-On Treestand for several weeks, and it hasn’t disappointed me yet. Without question, this is the best ultra-lightweight treestand I’ve ever used. It’s easy to operate, quiet to use, and very lightweight. Regarding dimensions,…
A look at turkey hunting facts that can benefit turkey hunters There is much we don’t know about within the wide world of wild turkeys. There are many facts and strong opinions that we do know of though, and the following present some of those. Read along as we cover wild turkey facts you need to know. Turkeys Have Great Eyesight Eyesight is a turkey’s primary defense sense. They can visualize and process data very quickly, even faster than humans do. With eyes located on the sides of their heads, turkeys have 360-degree vision with just a slight turn of…
A look inside being a good mentor when introducing new turkey hunters to the outdoors The responsibility of creating new hunters is one we all bear. If you enjoy the outdoors, it’s your job to pass it on and pass along what it means to be a turkey hunter. Fail to do that, and hunter numbers continue to decline. Before delving too deep, though, who is a mentor, and who is a mentee? According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources a mentee is any person under the age of 12, or any person who has not completed a required…
Planting food plots for turkeys is a great tactic. Here are some things to know. A large percentage of deer hunters plant food plots for Whitetails. In fact, hunters have been doing so for decades. But many of those same hunters—and even devout turkey hunters—forget that turkeys eat from food plots, too. Planting these lush fields of green can be dedicated turkey plots as well. Here, I’ll detail some of the best food plot options for wild turkeys and how to plant them. Some of these hold turkeys at various times of the year, but the goal is to offer…