Author: Todd Bromley

Todd Bromley has devoted his entire life to promoting the bowhunting lifestyle all over the world. With over 45 years of bowhunting experience, Todd's worked in the archery industry as a product developer, tester, consultant, bowhunting advocate, and is the CEO of Crossbow Magazine Enterprises. He's had over 100 bowhunting articles published in various outdoor magazines, worked in outdoor television, hosted his own bowhunting radio show, and has become one of the most prolific crossbow hunters in the world.
The morning dawned a much colder one than expected, and as daybreak neared, I began to wonder if I had dressed accordingly. It had been daylight for only 15 minutes, and I was already starting to shiver. I caught a glimpse of a deer moving slowly in my direction through some thick brush at 30 yards, just before the deer was obscured by the brush, I could make out a large set of antlers. If it held course, the animal was going to walk right past me. I wasn’t cold anymore. Instantly, I shouldered the crossbow and moved the safety…
Barnett Outdoors was founded in central England by Bernard Barnett in 1962. After building a large following in the United Kingdom, the company continued manufacturing products there until the mid-2000s. They then consolidated all of their operations into a facility in the United States, in Florida, where the company is still headquartered today. As one of the original pioneers in the crossbow industry, Barnett is responsible for much of the meaningful innovation present in today’s crossbows. The company’s products remain the top-selling crossbow on the market. Barnett has grown substantially since 1962, and it is currently under the Plano Synergy…
TenPoint Crossbow Technologies from Mogadore, Ohio, is known as a world-class manufacturer of crossbow products that are recognized as an industry standard for safety, accuracy, precision engineering, durability, performance, and power. Annually offering multiple models at varying price points, TenPoint Crossbow Technologies continues to be at the forefront of crossbow innovation. Buy the Tenpoint Nitro 505 here TenPoint’s patented reverse-draw bow assembly is the heart of the new 2022 TenPoint Nitro 505. This bow assembly is powered by the new RX8-Cam™ system that rotates an industry-leading 404-degrees. The new cam system features deeper cable grooves and improved cable spacing which…
Spring gobbler season is one of my favorite times of the year. After months of domestic blissfulness with no hunting activity, spring gobbler season kicks off the start of the new hunting year. It’s also the first opportunity to field test many of the new bowhunting products on the market. Each year more and more hunters take to the spring woods with archery equipment in hand. Having successfully pursued spring gobblers with stick and string for many years, I will attempt to outline what I believe are the most important factors contributing to that success. Hopefully, one or more of…
The sun was setting in the western sky when I decided to climb down from my treestand and call it a season. I had spent 70 hours perched in various stands over the past 15 days, but for the past hour I found it difficult to focus my thoughts. My fingers gently caressed the crossbow that was in my lap, but my attention was on the large 11-point buck that was lying 20 yards to my left. Only the small, crimson-colored spot behind its shoulder revealed the method of his demise. As I approached the animal, I was overcome with…