Author: Luke Clayton

Luke was raised in very rural Red River County where he grew up hunting and fishing. He began amateurishly writing about his adventures at the age of 12, the accounts of his boyhood outings often filling several pages of his Big Chief tablets. Luke began writing professionally while in his twenties and currently writes an outdoor newspaper column that runs weekly in 40 Texas newspapers. Luke is hunting/shooting columnist for Texas Wildlife Magazine and writes regular features for several other outdoor magazines including Airgun Hobbyist where he is Hunting Editor. Radio is a fun endeavor for Luke and his shows are known for his relaxed and down home style WWW.CATFISHRADIO.ORG Luke is on the pro staff of Airforce Airguns, Smokin Tex Electric Smokers, and TRHP Outdoors. Luke and his long time friend Larry Weishuhn also produce a bi-weekly internet radio show titled HUNTING WIRE RADIO and Sporting Classics Radio on Sporting Classics Luke covered hunting for the Texas Almanac, one of the oldest and most revered publications in the state. With almost 38 years under his belt as an outdoors writer, Luke has no intention of slowing down anytime soon. He continues to love the lifestyle that has been so fulfilling throughout his life. Luke and friends Larry Weishuhn & Jeff Rice produce a weekly video series " A Sportsman's Life" for
Photos by Luke Clayton Spring is to turkey hunters what Christmas morning is to a ten year old. The majority of turkey hunters longingly await the spring breeding season when gobblers are sounding off and for the opportunity to once again hit the turkey woods. I too am a devout hunter of spring turkeys when the sounds of ‘turkey love’ fills the woods and fields in the form of plaintive hen yelps, purrs and cuts and then, that pulse quickening gobble that I just know is a boss gobbler back in the brush or just across the creek with beard…
Wild hogs are smart, wary critters with an olfactory system better than that of a bloodhound. It’s scientific fact that hogs can detect odors as far as five miles away and up to 25 feet underground. To get close, within bow range, you must do all you can to ensure they do not smell you. Regardless of the method you use to control your scent, expect to get occasionally busted by the critter’s keen nose. If he gets even the slightest whiff of your presence, you will hear a snort back in the woods and hear brush breaking as your…
For several years, a buddy and I outfitted archery elk and bear hunts in the mountains north of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Most of our hunters came with sight pins set from 20 to 80 yards, and many were proficient at shooting good groups at targets at the longer ranges. But when a bull was called in within what we called “killing range” (35 yards or less) and was standing there staring down the hunter with bull eyes bulging and nostrils flared, we noted that many hunters would hesitate while deciding the exact sight pin to use. While elk are not…