Author: Lisa Roper

Lisa Roper is enthusiastic about all things outdoors. Enjoying her time in the woods and on the waters in Western Canada, she doesn’t just spend some of her free time pursuing her passion, she has been creating memories that will last a lifetime. Join Lisa Roper Outdoors on Sportsman Channel Canada and World Fishing Network on an authentic outdoor journey. Lisa engages the viewer’s emotions in an exciting and wildly inspiring fishing experience. Between the beautiful scenery, delicious shore lunches, fishing tales shared among friends, and phenomenal trophy fish on the line, Lisa will surely have you hooked! Lisa is a strong advocate for conservation and ethically sustainable hunting and angling. Her greatest joy comes from introducing people, particularly women and youth, to the amazing opportunities and adventures that accompany hunting, angling, and the outdoors! Through her journeys, outdoor writing, engagements, and workshops she strives to educate and inspire others to find joy and confidence in an outdoor lifestyle.
Good Preparation and a Good Hunt Helped Me Overcome a Lifelong Fear of Bears As the sun rises earlier and sets later, the temperatures climb above zero, and the winter landscape gives way to spring, many animals are preparing to wake up from hibernation. Some, like the bears, have internal clocks letting them know when to go into hibernation and when to emerge from their dens to search for food. Growing up, I was terrified of bears. I always believed them to be unpredictable and liable to strike without warning, which was how they attacked in my nightmares. And so,…