Author: Jace Bauserman

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A full-time freelance outdoor writer, Jace Bauserman lives in southeast Colorado with his wife Amy and three kids, Hunter, Abbey, and Brody. Bauserman has been penning outdoor articles since 2006. He has won numerous awards for his writing, and though Bauserman hunts all species of game — big and small — he is well known for his how-to, tip-and-tactic, and gear-style bowhunting articles. Bauserman is the former Bowhunting World and Archery Business magazines editor and has traveled the world chasing animals with his bow. While Bauserman is most passionate about western big-game hunting, he has an affinity for whitetails. Bauserman has published over 3,000 articles, penned a pair of books, and regularly appears on outdoor television. He credits his success to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I couldn’t tell you the brand of recurve bow or the finger tab I used to launch my first arrow, but I can tell you what brand and type of arrow it was. The classic Easton XX75 wore two green and one white TruFlight feather fletchings. The broadhead threaded into the insert was an OG three-blade Muzzy 100-grain. Absolutely green to bowhunting, I didn’t know about field points. Nobody in my family hunted, let alone bowhunted. The plan was to chase prairie pronghorn, and I knew for that, based on a Bob Robb article in some hunting magazine that I…

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Every year for the past five years, I was confident we’d seen the pinnacle of bow design. Every year, I was wrong. I’m not a pessimist or a Debbie Downer. I’m quite the opposite. However, the differences were staggering when I shot my Hoyt RX-8 Ultra head-to-head last year against another Hoyt carbon model that was only five years old. Don’t fret. This isn’t a raw, raw, raw; buy a new flagship bow article. I just want to note that all those (like me) who shoot a new-for-the-year bow model and tell themselves and others that compound bow design and…

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The market is flush with good broadheads, here’s how to choose the best broadhead for elk. Elk are big and bold. However, if you put a razor-sharp broadhead through their vitals, even a 900-pound bull will quickly topple. Here are the best elk broadheads that will get the job done! Elk are big, tough animals. Their muscle structure is thick, and their bones are dense. Often, they dwell in remote, difficult-to-access locales. This limits options for hunters, with Colorado elk hunting being the most popular due to the state having America’s largest elk population, followed by Montana. During the breeding…

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Hoyt’s latest aluminum riser rig — the Alpha X 33 — is ridiculously customizable, durable, accurate, and ultra-quiet. If you haven’t visited your local pro shop and given the bow a dance, you must! I’ve been slinging carbon and aluminum at targets and critters for 25 years. During that tenure, I’ve enjoyed much success and plenty of failure. I’ve tinkered and tested piles of compound bows and other stick-and-string accessories. Amidst the evolving archery landscape, my reliance on Hoyt bows has been one constant. Over the years, I’ve developed preferences within the Hoyt product range. The latest addition, the Hoyt…

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Whether you’re looking to add excitement to your whitetail hunting life or a new way to maximize your success, keep reading, and you’ll discover everything you need to become an on-the-ground whitetail assassin I’d love to write that I pioneered the idea — invented it — and teased it to life. That, though, would be a lie. What isn’t a lie is that I’m a hardcore, seasoned Western bowhunter who loves to get after big-game animals on the ground. Sure, I will post up in a tree or ground blind and play the sit-and-wait game, but if the option is…

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Elk hunting is a gear-laden endeavor. I learned long ago that the better my gear, the better I perform in the woods. The to-come items are tried-and-true — not snake oil products selected on a whim. Take a long look at these 10 elk must-haves and consider adding several, or all of them, to your elk system. I’ve been roaming the backcountry searching for elk for over 20 years. During that tenure, I’ve hunted with rifles and archery tackle. I’ve hunted in extreme and mild terrain and have taken several bulls with my rifle and archery tackle. One thing I…

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